I’ve been dominated many times by negativity.

And … i hate i’ve allowed that to happen … so, so many times.

In fact … my whole life could be defined as that.

Unfortunately … under the influences of negativity … i did not had clarity anymore.

So … i’ve allowed myself to be overwhelmed of emotions … ignoring all i knew about the philosophy of life … or spirituality.

Ignoring in fact that annoying concept which claims that … life itself is an illusion.

I hated that conclusion.

I hated it … and couldn’t accept it.

So … I thought all is actually the representation of negativity.

… repeated to me on and on and on.

In fact … most certainly i could not understand the word …

karmic … its representation … meaning or importance.

Maybe … even worst … cause i was ignoring all.

I couldn’t see any connection between philosophy or spirituality and my own life … believing that into the real life there are totally different things which are defining the dynamic of all.

Fortunately or unfortunately … again and again … all was repeating to me.

… in all the aspects of my life.

Until … one day … when having enough of all … i’ve understood that the Universe was trying to whisper me something.

But … of course … i was too idiot to see it.

And … the Universe …. was keep trying and trying … and trying to make me understand something … which I pretended so, so good … I didn’t know what is it about.

So … all was looking like an ugly life, dominated only by negativity … experiencing just stupid circumstances.

Day by day … the same … the same … the same.

Feeling offended … i’ve dare to ask the Universe … “Why are you doing this to me?! Why my whole life is a … charade?! Why can’t we stop this ugly experiences?!”

But … the Universe was not listening to me … ignoring all my prayers.

Maybe … I didn’t knew to connect to the Universe for real … and this is why …. nobody bothered to listen my complains.

So … I’ve started to analyse all deeper … trying to see the connection between my own life and the concepts which were defining the life itself.

… concluding that all is a charade.

Maybe … a karmic charade.

Somehow repeated to me so that I understand my meaning in here … my lessons for this life … and … the new paths i need to follow for my … spiritual evolution.

Most certainly … i had to shut up … stop complaining … and meditate more and more.

Download the book “The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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https://www.amazon.com/KARMIC-CHARADE-philosophical-contradictory-spirituality-ebook/dp/B0D8W5X6JQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3K0EZZEN90T5G&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WZjK7AitvBi0ygmuO54uwg.tyggYYUfRYm-UYaeHeZicpNbXgX2B-ATw9JyT10mEk0&dib_tag=se&keywords=The KARMIC CHARADE: spiritual & philosophical essays+KARMIC+CHARADE%3A+spiritual+%26+philosophical+essays&qid=1726560699&s=books&sprefix=the+karmic+charade+spiritual+%26+philosophical+essays%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C233&sr=1-1

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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